Sunday, March 7, 2010

Fear of Failure- Keep on Keeping on!

Selling the majority of our things and moving to Seoul, South Korea for five months wasn't nearly as scary as it was moving to Florianopolis, Brazil. Why? Because I had the security of a job and a return ticket set up and friends and former students living in Seoul for support. When Rodrigo and I booked a one way ticket to Brazil, after a three week visit home to California, it was jumping off the high dive instead of the low dive. We didn't have jobs in Florianopolis set up, we didn't know anybody, Rodrigo had been living in the States for 10+ years and had forgotten a bit about the order, and many times lack of order, that goes on in Brazil. Settling here has definitely had its challenges and I have wanted to throw in the towel more than once.
But alas, we just celebrated one year in Florianopolis and things are finally really coming together. I have built a solid clientele of students and Rodrigo is growing his real estate and import/export expertise with every passing day. Fulfilling the dream of living in Brazil has been a very rocky road but as Mickey Rooney puts it, "You always pass failure on the way to success."

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